Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Coffee, Tea, or Me?

Another late night affair with my Tuesday-Thursday articles, with coffee and tea as my bright-eyed cohorts. Today's strapping gent is "Listeria monocytogenes ActA-mediated escape from autophagic recognition" by Yoshikawa, et al.
If only the figures were not sprawled out over a billion pages and referenced 5 pages back.
If only the researchers did less studies and the paper were shorter. 22 pages shorter.
If only it didn't eat ink cartridges. But I printed this one on low settings. I can't see crap in the figures. Mistake?
I painted my nails today. Bali Mist. I see nothing Bali or Mist about the color. All I know is that I dented my thumb paint on the edge of my calculator while prying out dying AAA batteries, and I have no burning desire to fix that.
If only my attention span carried past the duration of half a sentence.
If only the paper consisted of more words and less 3-letter+number(s) names.

"After 2 h of infection, p62 colocalized with ubiquitin and GFP–LC3 around ΔactA2 bacteria (Fig. 3a, b). p62–/– MEFs stably expressing GFP–LC3 (p62–/–) were infected with ΔactA2 bacteria for 2 h. The amount of ubiquitin associated with ΔactA2 bacteria in p62–/– MEFs was similar to that in p62–/– MEFs stably expressing GFP–LC3 and p62-3×Myc (p62–/–/p62); however, the amount of LC3 associated with ΔactA2 bacteria in p62–/– MEFs was less than half that in p62–/–/p62 MEFs (Fig. 3c; Supplementary Information, Fig. S4a)." -Yoshikawa et al.
"Expression of GFP–Q79C or GFP–ActAC–Q79C, in COS‑7 cells, induced the formation of ubiquitin- and p62-positive aggregates (Fig. 4d, e). However, on expression of GFP–ActAFL–Q79C or GFP–ActAN–Q79C, in COS‑7 cells, neither ubiquitin nor p62 was found to colocalize with the GFP signal (Fig. 4b–e). Importantly, in COS‑7 cells depleted of Arp2 and VASP production by their respective siRNAs, GFP–ActAFL–Q79C and GFP–ActAN–Q79C formed aggregates as did GFP–Q79C and GFP– ActAC–Q79C (Supplementary Information, Fig. S5a, b), indicating that binding of the Arp2/3 complex and VASP to their respective domains in ActA prevents aggregate formation. We used another aggregate-prone construct, GFP–170*, a nonpoly‑Q protein that contains GFP fused to an internal segment of the Golgi membrane protein 170, which has also been used previously as a model substrate for aggregate formation." -Yoshikawa et al.

...Hello, coffee. Short attention span ftl. =[ This stuff makes no sense if you nod off every other word.

I suck at reading. But this is our last article for the semester! *rejoices!* I actually found a lot of the previous articles to be extremely fascinating. I'm not feeling this one! Time to plow through the remaining pages!

I haven't been too productive lately. I'll blame the gloomy weather on this one. Oh, unsuspecting scapegoat! And if it were brighter and sunnier, I would probably blame that as well. c; But I have a new dress that I really want to wear. Hurry, sun! Except it's gonna be rainy and cloudy all week....and all next week. NOOOOOOO

In other news, I am slowly falling under the yucky spell of caffeine wizardry. I have no desire to suffer from caffeine withdrawal, nor do I have a desire to throw copious amounts of money at Momodomo. But I guess $1 a cup isn't as offensive as whatever Starbucks charges! I shall be investing in a coffee machine next year for instant access to cheap and crappy coffee. That's fine because coffee tastes like crap anyways!

Edit: Oh balls, this article makes perfect sense now. VICTOLY!!! Took 2 reads.


    1. What color is it?

    2. Purpley pinkish? I think this was the most accurate one I found on Google--on my monitor at least! And minus the creepy long nails. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3167/2669581975_3e4af6db8e.jpg

    3. It doesn't make me think of Bali, but I'd be lying if I said Bali had purpley pinkish skies and trees.
