
This blog was created for no particular reason, and without a proper goal or theme in mind, this is really just a collection of whatever I end up doing. Because I like adventures (of the experimental rather than the physical kind!), you'll find some documentation of my most recent shenanigans. Basically, I think it'll be amusing to look back at it in a couple years and marvel at how much of an idiot I am was. As such, almost everything here may be lacking in entertainment or informational value should not be taken seriously.

All content and site graphics ©2010 SushuMooMoo unless otherwise noted. Appropriate credit will be given when relevant.

Josh Peterson's Watermark template was used as a starting point for this layout and then modified excessively and poorly, as I can't personally generate my own from scratch if my life depended on it =D. As such, this probably will look like crap since I pretty much raped everything. :D

Many thanks to Pizzadude, AEnigma, and PostMicrographics for the fonts used around the blog.
Some of the graphics involved the combined use of brushes or patterns by Tazni and Pehaa.
Lightbox (1) script was made by Lokesh Dhaka.

Best viewed in Chrome and Firefox. Cause I suck.