Well, this is tricky. I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins, so, of course, I went and tried DA2. There's not much I have to say about this, so I'll keep it brief :D
I played as a rogue. |
- The game is much prettier than DA:O
- Battle system is more fluid and fast-paced, at least for the rogues and prolly mages
- Leveling system is MUCH better, with improved organization and clarity. I liked seeing specializations again as well.
- I enjoyed the fact that there were ally rivalry/friendship perks
- Star ratings for items in your inventory. Useful for quick junk sorting.
- Easy to locate quest locations due to map markers on the quick-travel map
- Conversation options are marked according to type (romance, charming, forceful, agree, etc)
- Some people were enraged that the player could not be any race other than human. I personally didn't mind. I mean, it doesn't work with the plot if you're anything else.
- Companion armor. You can't choose what to give them, but you can upgrade them. I didn't mind that as much, since you won't make them look silly, but they still get the benefit of improving armor stats through the upgrades.
- I feel like I'm playing Life in the Shoes of Average Unfortunate Joe Who Likes to Return Lost Objects
- I was excited when I heard DA2 was more personal. I prefer plots that are more connected to the characters over generic MUST SAVE WORLD BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO plots (not that I dislike those... :D), but balls, this game was personal for the first hour or so. Then it became tedious-side-quests-that-are-random-for-25-hours time =/
- Why does the plot start in the last hour of the game?
- You spend the entire game in the same locations. And you'll have to keep returning to them. Over. And Over. Sometimes, you're returning to them just for the sake of quests being roundabout
- A lot of the quests are random and pointless. Oh great, there's a brief 2-line story behind some of them. =/ Yeah, no. You spend most of the game just going to wherever you have a mark on your map. Rinse and repeat.
- Scrolling through 13 different rings in your inventory is cool when they're mostly all named "Ring"
- Being able to miss companion armor upgrades permanently. Had I known I wouldn't be able to access all upgrades whenever I wanted, I would have Googled a list of all the upgrades and locations earlier. =/
Overall: Gameplay: 8/10 | Graphics: 8/10 | Sound: 8/10 | Replay: 2/10 | Plot: 2/10
The game was fun, and by that, I mean the combat was fun. However, as much as I'd like to try out the different classes, I just can't get past the lack of anything else that would ask for another replay here. It was a good one-time fling, which is a pity because gameplay was much improved over DA:O. Too bad everything else was mreh and entirely underwhelming. :D Also, is it bad that I enjoyed courting Anders more than anything else in the game? Man, that first smooch was swoony.