Here's the original drawing I did, with the retarded title scrawled on the side. GROSS rofl |
Turned it black and white and raped the levels with Photoshop. |
I used the outlines as a painting guide in Painter, but I turned it off here. Starting the eye! |
Eyes kind of finished. Left side is zoomed in quite a bit, so it's a bit fuzzy. Right views are either at or below 100% zoom. Her face coloring is still everywhere at this point. |
Cleaned up a bit in terms of getting hair area cleared, but I still need to erase some more of her residual FACEEE |
That's about it for now. I have no idea how to get the hair to look better, and my face lighting is still a bit WRONG, but this is still pretty fun nevertheless. I looked at some resources online, which is helping a little bit. I'm a bit happier with my original sketch than the coloring job, but oh well! I've been on a bit of a hiatus in terms of finishing up the hair, but that's because I'm getting slightly discouraged at how awful it's getting. :D. I am also apparently retarded at drawing curves with a mouse as well! That doesn't leave any room for excuses as to why I haven't erased the stuff to the right of her chin, however.....
To do:
-Clean up stuff outside of the lines, which is actually a lot!
-Fix hair
-Finish up neck and collar
-Final touchups
-Decide what to do with the outlines. They seem to work better on the face than they do in the hair with the coloring, but I dunno.
WE SHALL SEE WHERE THIS ENDS UP....if i ever finish it O.o