Monday, July 26, 2010

Fail Comic 03. Babby Beaver

Yet another fail comic to quell my boredom and waste space on the interwebs while fueling more retarded fads! I need to hire a writer. And an artist. :D As usual, click to enlarge! This one might need it.

 03. Babby Beaver
(Click to enlarge)

That's not really a bad song. In fact, the chorus always gets stuck in my head. D=
Also, I guess that font doesn't like apostrophes. :D

Fail Comic 02. Do the Right Thing

Here's #2 of le fail comic! *cough* Also, I don't think my dropcap formatting is really useful in 1-text-line posts, so I'll just fill space with some more text!

02. Do the Right Thing
(Click to enlarge. It works better than Extenze)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fail Comic 01. Weedy Pot

It's fail comic time! And I cannot express the fail of this first one. With great chagrin, I present to you, COMIC #1! (That line should have been read à la Mark Dacascos, the Chairman of Iron Chef America.)

01.Weedy Pot
(Click to enlarge)

Sidenote: I never knew that Mark Dacascos was a martial artist and movie star. Woah. DAIKON KARATE CHOP!

Playing with Painter 11

I was poking around and stumbled upon the trial version of Corel Painter 11. It's apparently capable of epicness, but unfortunately, I lack the mad art skills to test this out fully. Still, a potential adventure was awaiting, so I decided to mess around with the program. At first glance, it looks a lot like Photoshop, minus your photo editing features. Instead, you can find a smattering of what you'd expecting from a painting program--oil pastels, acrylic paints, watercolor, liquid ink, and many more. There's also this handy color mixer palette in which you can actually dab on paints and mix them around. Fancy!

So yeah, mouse = hard.

Playing around with a face. I realize the eye is all wrong, as are many other things, but hey, I'm no artist. =D You can also see some of the fancy features in Painter here.

Honestly speaking, I barely knew what half of the settings were for each brush tool, so I just played around a bit with my mouse. You can do much more with a tablet in terms of pressure, tilt, and whatnot, but I don't have one. I had no idea which brushes would suit my needs best either, so it was pretty much trial and error all the way through. The program crashed several times throughout my short adventure (good thing there's a recovery folder for salvaged work), but otherwise, I had a good time. All-in-all, the basics to Painter are intuitive and fairly easy to figure out if you've ever used Photoshop before. Of course, there are many other features and settings that I haven't yet figured out or discovered, but that's for another date and time! And as expected from the name, this program is better for creating paintings than Photoshop is (though some apparently still prefer Photoshop).

I wear war paint on weekends and non-religious holidays. Of course, I still count Christmas as non-religious, and no, 2938402384 people and I did not just steal a holiday.

Hey, look! I added color! Except I cheated and did it in Photoshop.

Adventure concluded. I'm still looking at some other people's work with a smidge of envy.

Also, I am enjoying the wee hours of the morning a bit too much. Still, my screwy sleep schedule has never been much of a surprise. This reminds me: CLOCK AND BMAL1--WE'RE NOT JUST HOMIES WITH THE SUN! I did a presentation with a friend on the regulatory role of the CLOCK/BMAL1 transcription factor complex in the circadian molecular oscillator as well as the roles of RACK1 and pka-alpha. Of course, I don't remember the details, but I do remember names and the little motto/saying we came up with! Unfortunately, this research project--and the allure of the products of modern technology--aren't helping me sleep at normal times. I clearly need to set an alarm for midnight and have that trigger the release of sleeping gas into the surrounding environment. OR I could go to bed at increasingly offensive hours of the day until I finally wake up to a syrup-less waffle breakfast at 10am. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Kasumi Wallpapers!

So... I went and made some wallpapers! Here's the first round of Kasumi wallpapers from Mass Effect 2, based off the Kasumi wallpaper over at the official site, because she's one of the cooler female characters. She's pretty, from what little anyone can see of her anyways, with a cool personality to boot. I won't complain if she won't complain about her too-perfect genes, unlike some people! Honestly, though, I found Miranda less and less attractive as I went through the game, and her romance scene was pretty much the only one without some kind of character development. Although, if it did, it would probably play out with Miranda complaining about being genetically perfect, Shepard making a move on her to make her shut up, and then her continuing her rant in sign language as she's being kissed. And now, this brings me to my one request: Kasumi romance in Mass Effect 3, please?!

Anyways, I made a Dark and Red lipstick version. I realize Kasumi's lipstick is actually more of a purple color in the game, but I felt like painting on some red. Version 2 of the 1280 wallpapers are a little different than version 1 in that you get a slightly larger Kasumi. It is identical to that view you would get if you were to display the 1800x1440 version, but the edges are cropped to fit. And I only have one resolution up for the Rain version of the wallpaper because I kind of ended up doing that after finishing up the others. More importantly, why does this now remind me of Heavy Rain? I have not played the game yet, but I admit that the posters make up a good 50% of my desire to play it, which doesn't quite work if I don't have a PS3. Rambling aside, don't forget to zoom in on the images if you're not right-click saving from the links!

Please credit and link back if posted elsewhere. Hotlinkers will be lasered by none other than the M-920 Cain and then subjected to a risky but prize-filled evening with Jacob. Enjoy!

Rain! (With Red Lipstick)

Dark Lipstick Version
1280x800 - Version 1
1280x800 - Version 2

Red Lipstick Version 

Mass Effect 2 © 2010 EA International. All trademarks used are properties of their respective owners; SushuMooMoo does not claim to own any of these.